
legal 的相关例句:
51. take, begin, threaten, etc legal proceedings (against sb)
52. institute legal proceedings against sb
53. in legal parlance
54. plough through legal text books, a pile of documents, mountains of work, etc
吃力地钻研法律教科书, 缓慢地阅读一堆文件, 费力地处理堆积如山的工作
55. an Act which granted the trade unions certain legal privileges
56. the acting, legal , medical, etc profession
演员, 律师, 医师等职业
57. go through the legal formalities
58. hand down a budget, legal decision, verdict
公布预算, 判决, 裁定
59. technical, legal , scientific, etc terms
技术, 法律, 科学等的术语
60. artistic, legal , scientific values
艺术, 法律, 科学标准

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