
n.1.  外星人
2.  侨民,外国人
adj.1.  陌生的,不熟悉
2.  外国的,异域的
3.  不相容,相抵触,格格不入
4.  外星的

1. | Such principles are alien to our religion. |
| 这些原则与我们的宗教信仰相抵触。
2. | Cruelty was quite alien to his nature/to him. |
| 残忍的行为与他的本性[与他]格格不入。
3. | It will breed a class consciousness which is alien to American ideals. |
| 它将培养出一种与美国理想格格不入的阶级意识。
4. | Cruelty is quite alien to his nature. |
| 残忍完全不合他的本性。
5. | This style is alien from genuine English. |
| 这种风格与纯正的英语格格不入。