
n.1.  衣柜,衣橱,(英国)放置衣物的壁橱
2.  (一个人的)全部衣物
3.  (剧院或电视公司的)服装部,戏剧保管室

1. | Such an outfit would be a useful addition to my wardrobe . |
| 在我的服装中添置这一套会有用的。
2. | We heaved the wardrobe up the stairs. |
| 我们用力把衣柜搬上楼了。
3. | Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door. |
| 把衣柜放在对着门的那个角落里。
4. | Shifting that wardrobe must have taken some doing! |
| 搬那个衣柜一定够费劲儿的!
5. | You'd have more room in your wardrobe if you turfed out all your old clothes. |
| 你把所有的旧衣服都处理掉,衣柜里地方就大了。