n.1.  声音,嗓音
2.  发言权,影响
3.  意见,态度,心声
4.  主∕被动态
5.  浊音
vt.1.  表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见)
2.  发浊音,发嗓音
1. | Her voice broke as she told the dreadful news. |
| 她说出这可怕的消息时,嗓音都变了。
2. | His voice broke when he was thirteen. |
| 他十三岁的时侯嗓音变粗了。
3. | A voice called down to us from above. |
| 从上面传来叫我们的声音。
4. | She was trying to remain calm, but there was a distinct edge to her voice . |
| 她竭力想保持冷静,但她的声音中却显然带着怒气。
5. | Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind. |
| 在风声中,她的声音几乎听不见。