n.1.  看法,见解
2.  方法,方式
3.  视线,视域
4.  景色,风景
5.  风景照,风景画
6.  一看,一睹
vt.1.  把……视为,(以某种方式)看待
2.  看,观看,(尤指)仔细察看
3.  查看,察看(房子等,以便购买或租用)
4.  看,观看(电视、电影等)
1. | You'd have a good view of the sea from here except for the block of flats in between. |
| 要不是隔着这座公寓大楼,大海的景色就可以从这里一览无遗。
2. | From the plane we had a bird's eye view of London. |
| 我们从飞机上鸟瞰伦敦。
3. | Her first view of the pyramids filled her with awe. |
| 她初见金字塔时,敬畏之感油然而生。
4. | Looked at from that point of view , the job becomes easy. |
| 从那个观点看,这工作就容易了。
5. | Our points of view are at opposite poles. |
| 我们的观点截然相反。
air one's view   公开发表意见
in view of...   鉴于, 考虑到
with a view to...   为了...