
n.1.  面纱
2.  头巾
3.  托词,借口
4.  薄的遮盖物
vt.1.  戴面纱,戴面罩
2.  遮掩,掩饰

1. | I propose to draw a veil over the appalling events that followed. |
| 我建议不要谈及后来发生的那些骇人听闻的事。
2. | She raised/lowered her veil . |
| 她撩起[放下]面罩。
3. | He could hardly veil his contempt at my ignorance. |
| 他掩盖不住对我无知的轻蔑之情。
4. | draw [cast, throw] a veil over sth. |
| 把某事掩盖起来;避而不谈某事。
5. | Let us draw a veil over what followed. |
| 后来的事情我们不必提了。

draw a veil over...   掩饰, 避谈