1. | The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. |
| 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
2. | Within urban area there were vast "grey areas" which could not be classified as slums, but were in need of rebuilding. |
| 在市区有大片“灰色地区”(位于分界线赏的区域),这类地方不能算做贫民窟,但需重建。
3. | The directions of urban development have been marked out. |
| 城市发展的规划已制定出来了。
4. | Smog is more prevalent in urban centers. |
| 烟雾在城市中心更常见。
5. | That foundation was the sponsor of this study on urban life. |
| 那个基金会是这项城市生活调查研究的赞助单位。