n.1.  (短期)旅行,出行
2.  幻觉,迷幻
3.  绊倒
vt.1.  将……绊倒,使跌倒
2.  触发(开关),(松开开关)开动
vi.1.  绊,绊倒
2.  脚步轻快地走(或跑、跳舞)
3.  (服用毒品后)产生幻觉
1. | We must account (to our employer) for every penny we spend during a business trip . |
| 我们得把我们出差时所花的每一分钱(向雇主)交代清楚。
2. | My trip to India was quite an eye-opener. |
| 我的印度之行真令我大开眼界。
3. | Who's meeting the expenses of your trip ? |
| 谁为你支付旅费呢?
4. | The weather rather spoiled our trip to the seaside. |
| 我们去海滨玩却因天气不太好而颇为扫兴。
5. | The last leg of our trip was the most tiring. |
| 我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。
trip up   犯错误