
[意 思]n. 打,击,敲
[例]  He drove in the nail with one stroke of the hammer.
n. (划船、游泳的)一划
[例]  That swimmer has a powerful stroke. 那个游泳者划水很用力。
n. (钟的)鸣声
[例]  We arrived at the airport on the stroke of six.
n. 病突然发作,中风
[例]  He had a stroke yesterday. 他昨天中风了。
vt. (用手)抚,摸,捋
[例]  He stroked the horse's neck. 他抚摩马的脖子。

n.1.  中风
2.  (打、击等的)一下,一击
3.  钟声,鸣,敲
4.  击球(动作)
5.  划水(动作),划桨(动作)
6.  游泳姿势,泳法
7.  一笔,笔画
8.  尾桨手
9.  (成功的)举动,(高明的)举措,(巧妙的)办法
10.  轻抚,抚摸
vt.1.  轻抚,抚摩(动物的毛皮)
2.  轻抚,抚摩(物体表面或头发等)
3.  轻挪,轻触,轻拭
4.  待(某人)非常好,(尤指)顺着(某人)以便为自己办事

1. | Despite her recent stroke , she is quite rational. |
| 她尽管最近曾患中风,但头脑仍很清醒。
2. | He's now fully recovered from his stroke . |
| 他现已从中风病完全康复了。
3. | By a stroke fortune, he won the competition. |
| 他靠(好)运气在竞赛中获胜。
4. | He never does a stroke of work. |
| 他什么活儿都不干。
5. | The stroke left him a helpless wreck. |
| 他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。