
n.1.  (植物的)刺
2.  (昆虫的)蜇针,刺
3.  叮伤,刺伤,蜇伤
4.  (身体或心灵的)刺痛,剧痛
5.  (警察为逮捕罪犯而设的)圈套
6.  (罪犯为诈骗钱财而设的)骗局
vt.1.  刺,蛰,叮
2.  使感觉刺痛,感觉灼痛
3.  激怒,使不安
4.  对(某人)敲竹杠,敲诈,欺诈
vi.1.  (昆虫或植物)刺,蛰,叮
2.  感觉刺痛,感觉灼痛

1. | The sting of a scorpion is in its tail. |
| 蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。
2. | That bee gave me a nasty sting . |
| 那只蜜蜂狠狠地蛰了我一下。
3. | The sting of a jellyfish is very painful. |
| 让水母刺着是很痛的。
4. | The announcementof the pay rise had a sting in its tail -- we would have to work longer hours. |
| 宣布了提高工资有个倒霉事在后头-我们得延长工时。
5. | Not all nettles sting . |
| 并非所有的荨麻接触后都有刺痛感。