
adj.1.  (食物,尤指面包和糕点)不新鲜的
2.  (空气、烟等)不新鲜的,(空气)污浊的,(烟味)难闻的
3.  陈腐的,没有新意的,老掉牙的
4.  (因时间太长)厌倦的,腻烦的
vi.变陈旧, 走味, 失时效, 撒尿
vt.使变旧, 走味

1. | Her performance has become stale . |
| 她的表演没有新意了。
2. | Stale bread cuts better than fresh bread. |
| 陈面包比新鲜面包容易切。
3. | The function of lungs is to get rid of the stale and take in the fresh. |
| 肺的功能是吐故纳新。
4. | How long have you had this cake in the cupboard? It's as dry as dust, and tastes stale too. |
| 这蛋糕你放在橱里多久了?都干透了,并且味道变坏了。
5. | the reek of stale tobacco (smoke) |
| 发霉烟草的臭(烟)味