
n.1.  火花, 火星, 电火花
2.  生气, 活力,才华
3.  诱因, 导火线
4.  愤怒的情感, 激烈的情绪
5.  一点,丝毫
6.  (sparks)电工, 无线电操作员(尤指船上的)

1. | Some bright spark has left the tap running all night. |
| 哪个小淘气干的聪明事,让水龙头开了一夜。
2. | The vital spark that would have brought the play to life was missing. |
| 那出戏缺少的是可使之画龙点睛的生气。
3. | Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off. |
| 这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。
4. | He hasn't a spark of generosity in him. |
| 他一点也不慷慨。
5. | He has not a spark of generosity in his composition. |
| 他一点度量也没有。