
[意 思]n. 壳,果壳
[例]  Peanuts have shells. 花生有壳。
n. 贝壳,甲
[例]  The seashore was covered with shells.
n. (房屋的)骨架
[例]  The building was burned to a shell.
vt. 剥……的壳
[例]  She is shelling peas. 她在剥豌豆。
vt. 炮轰,射击
[例]  The town was shelled last night. 昨晚该镇遭到炮击。

n.1.  壳
2.  壳状物
3.  炮弹
4.  弹药筒
5.  框架,骨架
6.  壳体,外壳
7.  表面性格,外表
vt.1.  炮击
2.  给……去壳

1. | The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates. |
| 犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。
2. | I shall be expected to shell out (the money) for the party. |
| 这次聚会可能要让我花钱。
3. | Only the shell of the factory was left after the fire had been put out. |
| 大火扑灭之后,工厂只剩下个空架子了。
4. | The building was destroyed by an artillery shell . |
| 这座建筑物被炮弹炸毁了。
5. | She used to be so quiet, but now she's really coming out of her shell and chatting to everyone. |
| 她一向沉默寡言,但现在可真活了,跟谁都能谈得来。