
[意 思]n. 安全,安全感
[例]  Two guards looked after the security of the property. 两个警卫看管财产的安全。
n. 防备,保安,防护,防御
[例]  They tightened security during the President's visit. 他们在总统访问期间加强了安全防卫。
n. 保证,保障,担保
[例]  A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan. 人寿保险可作贷款的抵押。
n. 证券,债券
[例]  He traded in securities and became rich.

n.1.  安全,平安
2.  保护措施, 保卫部门, 安全工作
3.  (securities)证券
4.  担保,保证
5.  抵押品

1. | This law falls into abeyance when the country's security is threatened. |
| 当国家安全受到威胁时,这项法规暂停实施。
2. | A security guard was killed in the bank raid. |
| 这次银行劫案中有一名保安员遇害。
3. | All the people who know this secret represent a security risk. |
| 凡是知道这个秘密的人都对安全造成危险。
4. | Security men mingled with the crowd. |
| 保安人员混杂在人群中。
5. | The security of the country had been imperilled. |
| 国家安全处于危险之中。