
n.1.  跨擦声
2.  擦痕,擦伤
3.  自己造成的困境
vt.1.  刮掉,削去
2.  擦坏,擦伤
3.  使发出刺耳的擦刮声
4.  艰难取得,勉强获得
5.  挖坑,挖洞
6.  把头发拢在后面
vi.1.  发出刺耳的擦刮声
2.  艰难取得,勉强获得

1. | Scrape off all the loose flakes of paint before redecorating. |
| 先把翘起来的漆皮刮掉再重新装修。
2. | Don't scrape your feet on the floor. |
| 别用脚蹭着地板。
3. | We had to scrape the barrel to get a full team, and then we lost 6-1. |
| 我们勉强凑成一个队,结果以6比1输了。
4. | I manage to scrape a living by selling my pictures. |
| 我靠卖画餬口。
5. | I can just scrape along on what my parents give me. |
| 我靠父母扶养勉强过活。

scrape by   勉强维持生计, 艰难度日
scrape through   勉强通过, 艰难完成
scrape through...   勉强通过, 艰难完成
scrape...up   勉强凑集, 艰难筹措