
n.1.  礼仪,仪节, 成套程序
2.  惯例, 老习惯
adj.1.  仪式上的,庆典的
2.  习惯的,老套的,例行公事的

1. | A strange ritual was enacted before our eyes. |
| 在我们眼前展现出一种奇特的仪式。
2. | Some religions employ ritual more than others. |
| 有的宗教举行仪式时特别注重礼则。
3. | He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe. |
| 他照例填满烟斗,然后点着了。
4. | She went through her usual ritual of making sure that all the doors were locked before she went to bed. |
| 她就寝前总是按通常的习惯看看所有的门是否都已锁好。
5. | It tends to assume the form of a pagan religious ceremony, adapting itself to the forms and the ritual of the local church. |
| 它则趋向采取一种异教徒的宗教礼仪的方式,并且使自己适应于地方教堂的各种礼节和仪式。