
[意 思]n. 撤退
[例]  The army's retreat was orderly. 军队的撤退井然有序。
n. 退隐处,休养所
[例]  He went to his mountain retreat for the weekend. 他去山中的休养所过周末。
n. 退避,隐退
[例]  He spent a few days in retreat. 他暂时退隐了几天。
vi. 撤退,退却
[例]  The enemy retreated after heavy losses.
vi. 躲避,退避
[例]  After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之后,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。

n.1.  撤退,退却
2.  逃避,退避,躲避
3.  (由于批评或环境过于恶劣)改变决定,退缩
4.  僻静处,隐居处
5.  静修期间(或活动)
vi.1.  退却,撤退
2.  离开,离去,退去,后退
3.  (由于批评或环境过于恶劣)改变决定,退缩
4.  隐退,逃避,躲避

1. | The poacher beat a hasty retreat when he saw the police coming. |
| 偷猎者见有警察来到立刻仓皇逃走。
2. | The enemy was/were forced to retreat . |
| 敌军被迫撤退了。
3. | The minister made an undignified retreat from his earlier position. |
| 那部长很不光彩地背离了他原先的立场。
4. | The army was in full retreat . |
| 军队已全线撤退。
5. | The army was obliged to retreat [pull back, withdrew]. |
| 这支军队被迫退却。