
[意 思]n. 释放,解放
[例]  After my examination I had a feeling of release. 考试之后,我感到如释重负。
n. 发行,发表
[例]  The film is scheduled for release next month. 该片定于下月发行。
n. 放松,放出,释放装置
[例]  He pressed the release to open the box.
vt. 释放,解放
[例]  Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours. 放开这条狗。它已被拴了好几小时了。
vt. 放松,松开
[例]  He quickly released her hand.
vt. 豁免,赦免,免除
[例]  This releases them from personal responsibility. 这免除了他们的个人责任。
vt. 发行,发表
[例]  A new movie is to be released tonight.

n.1.  释放,获释
2.  公开,发行,发布
3.  新发行的东西,(尤指)新激光唱片,新电影
4.  排放,泄漏,渗漏
5.  解脱,轻松感
vt.1.  释放,放出,放走
2.  放开,松开,使自由移动(或飞翔、降落等)
3.  发泄,宣泄
4.  免除,解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等),解雇
5.  松开,拉开
6.  使不紧张,使松弛,放松
7.  公开,公布,发布
8.  开放,放开,解禁

1. | Death is often a welcome release from pain. |
| 死神往往是解除痛苦的救星。
2. | The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 10000 for his release . |
| 绑架者要10000英镑赎金才释放他。
3. | The kidnappers have demanded 1 million for his safe release . |
| 绑架的歹徒索要100万英镑赎金才放他。
4. | company issued a press release to try to stop speculationin its shares. |
| 公司发布了新闻稿以期遏止对其股票的投机活动。
5. | You are our prisoner now and we won't release you until a ransom is paid. |
| 你现已遭我们禁锢,要到交出赎金以后,才能放你走。