
n.1.  反应,回应
2.  (对旧观念等的)抗拒
3.  生理反应,副作用
4.  (reactions)反应能力
5.  反对,反动,阻碍
6.  化学反应
7.  反作用力

1. | What was his reaction to the news? |
| 他对这消息的反应如何?
2. | Her arrest produced an immediate/a sudden reaction from the press. |
| 她被捕的事立刻[突然]在新闻界引起反响。
3. | Reaction to his taunts will only encourage him. |
| 别理会他恶言寻衅,一理他更来劲儿。
4. | I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection. |
| 我注射伤寒针剂后产生了不良反应。
5. | The forces of reaction made reform difficult. |
| 反动势力给改革造成了困难。