1. | Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837. |
| 维多利亚女王于1837年即位。
2. | In ` Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother' `the Queen Mother' is in apposition to `Queen Elizabeth'. |
| 在`Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother' 一语中'the Queen Mother'是'Queen Elizabeth'的同位语。
3. | It would be an anachronism to talk of Queen Victoria watching television. |
| 谈到维多利亚女王看电视是时代上的错误。
4. | She isn't just any woman -- she's the Queen . |
| 她并非寻常妇女-她是女王。
5. | Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen . |
| 一片欢呼声欢迎女王莅临。