
n.1.  王子,王孙,亲王
2.  (小国的)国王,王室的男性成员,王子,王孙
3.  (某些欧洲国家的)贵族
4.  (某一领域的)杰出人物,巨子,大王

1. | The prince masqueraded as a peasant. |
| 那王子乔装为农夫。
2. | He is equerry to the Prince of Wales. |
| 他是威尔士亲王的侍从。
3. | The magician metamorphosed the frog into a prince . |
| 魔术师把青蛙变成了王子。
4. | The prince rode a milk-white horse. |
| 那王子骑着乳白色的马。
5. | He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation. |
| 他相信他前生是王子。