
n.1.  (某人或群体)专门领域,独占的事物
2.  (美)禁猎地,(自然)保护区
3.  果酱
4.  泡菜,腌菜
5.  私人渔场,私人猎场
vt.1.  保护,维护,保留
2.  维持……的原状,保存,保养
3.  贮存,保鲜
4.  使继续存活,保护,保全

1. | Telling conservationists that we need to preserve the natural heritage really is preaching to the converted! |
| 向自然资源保护论者宣讲需要保护自然界遗产的道理,真是多此一举!
2. | Efforts to preserve the peace have failed. |
| 维护和平的努力已经失败了。
3. | God preserve us! |
| 上帝保佑我们吧!
4. | She managed despite everything to preserve her sense of humour. |
| 她不管遇到什么情况都竭力保持着幽默感。
5. | It is difficult to preserve one's self-respect in that job. |
| 做那样的工作很难保持自尊。