
adv.1.  可能;或许
2.  (强调惊奇、恼怒等)
3.  (表示委婉的请求)
4.  尽量;尽可能
5.  (与can't、couldn't等否定词连用,以加强语气)

1. | You have read into her letter a sympathy that she cannot possibly feel. |
| 你误解她信中有同情的意思,她根本不可能有这种感觉。
2. | He might just possibly have lost his keys. |
| 他有可能把钥匙丢了。
3. | Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way. |
| 你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工。
4. | She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation. |
| 她也许是她那时代最伟大的作家。
5. | I can't possibly lend you so much money. |
| 我没有可能借给你这么多钱。