
[意 思]n. 保证,誓言
[例]  I gave him my pledge that I would vote for him. 我向他保证我将投他的票。
n. 抵押,典当品
[例]  She left her watch as a pledge with the taxi-driver. 她将手表留给出租车司机作为抵押。
n. (友情等的)信物,证明
[例]  Take this ring as a pledge of friendship.
n. 祝愿,祝酒
[例]  We drank a pledge to their success.
vt. 保证给与,许诺,发誓
[例]  He pledged never to come back until he had found her. 他发誓不找到她决不回来。
vt. 用……抵押,以……典押
[例]  The property was pledged as security for loans. 这地产被当作贷款的抵押。
vt. 为……祝愿,向……祝酒
[例]  Everyone at the table stood up and pledged the success of the new company.

n.1.  保证,诺言,誓约
2.  抵押,质钱,抵押品
vt.1.  保证给予(或做),正式承诺
2.  使保证,使发誓
3.  抵押,典当
4.  宣誓参加(美国大学生联谊会)

1. | You are under pledge of secrecy. |
| 你已发过誓要保密。
2. | This autumn the President has a major opportunity to deliver on his pledge . |
| 今年秋天总统有一次履行他诺言的重要机会。
3. | We pledge ourselves to fulfil the promise we have made. |
| 我们保证履行自己的诺言。
4. | pledge [swear] obedience to sb. |
| 宣誓服从某人。
5. | To this I pledge my honor. |
| 对于这一点,我用名誉担保。