
n.1.  井,深洞,深坑
2.  矿井
3.  煤矿
4.  麻子,痘瘢
5.  果核
6.  (the pits)(赛车道旁的)修理加油站
7.  乐池,乐队席(舞台前乐队演奏的地方)
8.  腋,腋窝
9.  (交易所中某一商品的)交易场所
vt.1.  使……表面有斑点,在……上打洞
2.  去掉……的果核

1. | It's a bleak look-out for the coal industry as the number of pit closures increases. |
| 煤井关闭的数目日多,煤炭工业前景暗淡。
2. | He felt an aching feeling in (the pit of) his stomach. |
| 他胃疼。
3. | My appeal to her pit met with no response. |
| 我向她求情,但她却毫无反应。
4. | Does that metal pit after contact with acid? |
| 那种金属同酸接触后是否会起凹点?
5. | He came near falling into the pit . |
| 他险些儿掉入陷坑。