
n.1.  柱子,桥墩(尤指兼作装饰的)
2.  纪念柱
3.  柱形物
4.  台柱子,主心骨,中流砥柱
5.  富有某种素质的人,某种素质的化身
6.  (组织、制度、信仰等的)核心,基础,支柱

1. | She was a pillar of strength to us when our situation seemed hopeless. |
| 在我们近乎绝望之际,她给了我们有力的支持。
2. | She was driven from pillar to post and each person she spoke to was more unhelpful than the last. |
| 她被迫四处奔走求救于人,但愿意帮她的人一个不如一个。
3. | I can't decipher what is inscribed on the pillar . |
| 我认不出刻在柱子上的是什么。
4. | The staircase winds upwards round a central pillar . |
| 这座楼梯绕着中间的柱子向上呈螺旋状。
5. | The stairs spiraled round the central pillar . |
| 楼梯绕着中央的柱子盘旋上升。