
[意 思]n. 小块土地
[例]  There was a patch of garden behind the house. 屋后有一小块园地。
n. 补丁,补片
[例]  The child's jeans had a patch at the knee.
n. (颜色等与周围不同的)斑驳,斑点
[例]  The flowers made white patches against the grass. 绿色草地上点缀着簇簇白花。
vt. 修补
[例]  His clothes were torn and patched in a good many places. 他衣服破旧,好几处都打了补钉。
vt. 暂时解决(分歧,争端等)
[例]  We decided to patch up our differences and become friends again. 我们决定消除分歧,重归于好。