n.1.  劳动(尤为体力劳动)
2.  任务,工作
3.  劳动力,人工
4.  分娩
5.  (Labour)(英国的)工党
vi.1.  努力做(困难的事)
2.  干苦力活
3.  困难吃力地行进
1. | Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats. |
| 有些工党下议院议员脱党后加入社会民主党。
2. | There was cheering from the Labour benches. |
| 从工党议员席那边响起一阵欢呼声。
3. | She has been adopted as Labour candidate for York. |
| 她被提名为约克郡的工党侯选人。
4. | What is the Labour Party's policy on immigration? |
| 工党在移民问题上的政策是怎样的?
5. | The party may realign (itself) with Labour in a new coalition. |
| 该党可能与工党重新组成新的联盟。