
n.1.  印象,感想
2.  影响,效果
3.  印象画
4.  (对某人举止言谈的)滑稽模仿
5.  (虚假的)外观,假象
6.  压痕
7.  印数,印次

1. | She retains a clear impression /memory of the incident. |
| 她对那件事印象很深[记得很清楚]。
2. | His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him. |
| 他衣冠不整往往给人一种假象。
3. | I was under the impression that you were coming tomorrow. |
| 我以为你明天才来呢。
4. | My general impression was that he seemed a pleasant man. |
| 我总的印象是他似乎很和蔼可亲。
5. | I had the distinct impression that I was being followed. |
| 我清楚地感觉到有人跟踪我。