
[意 思]n. 拖运距离
[例]  It's a haul of ten miles. 那是十英里路程的拖运。
vi.& vt. 拖,拉,曳,拖运,搬运
[例]  A truck hauled the load away.

n.1.  大批赃物,大量非法物品
2.  很高的得分
3.  旅行的距离,旅程
4.  一次捕获的鱼,一网鱼
vt.1.  (用力)拖,拉,曳
2.  用力缓慢移动到(某处)
3.  强迫(某人)去某处
4.  把某人提交法庭审判

1. | It's been a long haul but at last this dictionary is published. |
| 经过千辛万苦这部词典才终于得以问世。
2. | They netted a good haul of fish. |
| 他们捕了满满一网鱼。
3. | Our camp is only a short haul from here. |
| 我们的营地近在咫尺。
4. | The fishermen had a good haul . |
| 渔民捕得满满一网鱼。
5. | The thief got away with a huge haul . |
| 那个贼偷走了大量财物。