
adv.1.  进一步,在更大程度上, 大更大范围内
2.  (far的比较级) (距离上)更远, 较远
3.  (时间上)更久远
4.  此外, 而且
adj.1.  进一步的
2.  (far 的比较级) 更远的,较远的
3.  附加的, 更多的

1. | The government's stubborn attitude was a block to further talks. |
| 政府的僵硬态度是进一步会谈的障碍。
2. | The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed. |
| 双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。
3. | Without more/much/ further ado, we set off. |
| 我们出发的时侯没有更多的[什么/进一步的]麻烦。
4. | His manner seemed unpleasant at first, but he improved on further acquaintance. |
| 他的举止起初让人很不愉快,但是经过进一步接触他改了许多。
5. | Some villagers have never been further afield than the neighbouring town. |
| 有些村民从未远离过附近的市镇。