
n.1.  铁匠舖
2.  锻铁炉, 锻造车间或工厂
vt.1.  艰苦干成,努力加强
2.  伪造,假冒
3.  锻造,制作

1. | The blacksmith's forge was so hot that we couldn't get near it. |
| 铁匠的锻炉热得我们不能靠近。
2. | Horseshoes are made in a forge . |
| 马掌是在锻工间里面锻制的。
3. | forge a horseshoe out of an iron bar. |
| 把铁条锻成马蹄铁。
4. | As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge righter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets. |
| 作为新掘起一代的带头人,亚裔发明家可以凭借他们在习惯和语言上的优势,与关键的太平洋沿岸市场建立起更加牢固的联系。
5. | forge a sword, a chain, an anchor, etc |
| 锻造剑, 铁链, 锚等