1. | We need more feedback from the consumer in order to improve our goods. |
| 我们需要从消费者那里多得到些反馈信息以提高产品质量。
2. | The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program. |
| 计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序。
3. | The more feedback we get from viewers, the better. |
| 从观众那儿得到的反馈越多越好。
4. | The company welcomes feedback from people who use its goods. |
| 该公司欢迎用户对其产品提供反馈信息。
5. | There's been a lot of positive feedback on the new proposals. |
| 对于这些新的提案已有了许多积极的反馈信息。