pron1.  每件事, 所有事物, 一切事物
2.  最重要的事物
3.  形势,情况,生活
1. | He broke under questioning and confessed to everything . |
| 他经受不住盘问,精神上垮了下来,于是供认了一切。
2. | Everything went according to plan. |
| 一切都是按照计划进行的。
3. | After everything I've done for him, he still ignores me. |
| 尽管我什么都为他做了,他还是不理我。
4. | The wind blew everything off the table, tablecloth and all. |
| 风把桌子上的所有东西连桌布都吹掉了。
5. | They were assured that everything possible was being done. |
| 已经向他们保证,凡是可能做的都做到了。