
n.1.  水流,潮流,气流
2.  电流
3.  思潮;趋向;潮流;
adj.1.  当前的,现在的,现时发生的
2.  通用的,流通的,流行的

1. | He broad-casts on current affairs. |
| 他发表时事广播演说。
2. | You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs. |
| 应该看报以便瞭解时事。
3. | I found his speech wholly apposite to the current debate. |
| 我认为他的讲话对当前的辩论是恰到好处的。
4. | We were rowing against the current . |
| 我们逆水划船。
5. | Please rush me your current catalogue. |
| 请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼。