
vt.1.  供认,承认(错误、罪行或羞愧的事)
2.  忏悔,悔过,告罪,告解
3.  (神父)聆听(某人的)忏悔(或告罪、告解)
vi.1.  供认,坦白,承认
2.  承认
3.  忏悔,悔过,告罪,告解

1. | I blush to admit/ confess that... |
| 我羞愧地承认[供认]。
2. | Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess . |
| 他被当场抓住,除了招供别无出路。
3. | The prisoner refused to confess (his crime). |
| 该犯拒不招供(罪行)。
4. | I'm rather bored, I must confess . |
| 说老实话,我真有点厌烦。
5. | He was taken before the headmaster and made to confess . |
| 他被带到校长面前认错。