n.1.  建筑群
2.  相关联的一组事物
3.  情结
4.  不正常的忧虑
adj.1.  复杂的,难懂的,费解的
2.  (单词或句子)复合的(指词根加有词缀或主句含有从句)
1. | It's a complex question and her answer was too pat. |
| 那问题很复杂,但她的回答简直是脱口而出。
2. | He has a complex about his weight/has a weight complex. |
| 他对自己的体重提心吊胆。
3. | Long complex sentences are distinctive of Henry James's later style. |
| 亨利.詹姆斯晚期作品的风格特色是擅长使用长复合句。
4. | The human body has a very complex organization. |
| 人体是个非常复杂的机体。
5. | Her feeling concerning the arrival of Sophia is complex . |
| 对于索菲亚的到来,她的感情是错综复杂的。