
adj.1.  集体的,共有的,共同的
2.  全体成员的,总体的

1. | The rules provided for the adoption of collective measures. |
| 规章规定采用集体性措施。
2. | His conduct brought disgrace upon the collective . |
| 他的行为给集体丢脸。
3. | He was determined to straighten up and make himself useful to the collective . |
| 他决心改过自新,使自己有益于集体。
4. | Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play. |
| 只有组织起来,才能充分发挥集体智慧。
5. | I do feel deeply the strength of the collective . |
| 我确实深深地感到了集体的力量。