
n.1.  公鸡
2.  雄禽
3.  旋塞,活塞
4.  老兄
vt.1.  立起,竖起,翘起(身体的某个部位)
2.  扣(或扳)上扳机准备射击

1. | Trust him to cock it/things up! |
| 保管他会把它[事情]搞糟!
2. | The crowing of the cock is a harbinger of dawn. |
| 鸡啼报晓。
3. | cock one's eye at sb. |
| 向某人递眼色。
4. | The cock is pecking at the hen. |
| 那只公鸡正在啄母鸡。
5. | Turn the cock to increase the flow of oil. |
| 旋大龙头增加油的流量。