
[意 思]n. 碰撞声,铿锵声
[例]  We heard the clash of swords.
n. 冲突,不协调
[例]  The demonstration ended in a violent clash with the police.
vi. 砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声
[例]  The car clashed against the wall. 那辆汽车砰地撞上墙壁。
vi. 发生冲突,不调和
[例]  Their views clash on the new tax bill. 他们在新税法上意见相左。

n.1.  相撞声,撞击声
2.  冲突,打斗
3.  争论,争执,意见分歧
4.  事情或日期的冲突
5.  不搭配,不和谐
vi.1.  打斗,冲突,比赛
2.  (公开地)争论,辩论,争辩
3.  (信念、思想或个性)迥然不同,不相容,抵触
4.  (时间上)相冲突,相矛盾
5.  (颜色、图案或风格)不协调,不和谐,不搭配
6.  撞击出刺耳的响声,当啷作响

1. | It's a pity the two concerts clash ; I wanted to go to both of them. |
| 真可惜两个音乐会时间上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。
2. | The (colour of the) wallpaper clashes with the (colour of the) carpet/The wallpaper and the carpet clash . |
| 壁纸(的颜色)和地毯(的颜色)不和谐。
3. | There was a clash of wills among committee members. |
| 委员们意愿不一,发生了冲突。
4. | The issue really boils down to a clash between left and right. |
| 这场争论确实可归结为左派与右派之间的冲突。
5. | The demonstration ended in a violent clash with the police. |
| 游行队伍最后与警察发生剧烈冲突。