
[意 思]n. 屑片,碎片
[例]  The ground was littered with chips of wood.
n. 筹码
[例]  He has lost all his chips. 他赌输掉所有的筹码。
vi. 形成缺口,碎裂,剥落
[例]  Those plates chip easily. 那些盘子容易碎裂。
vt. 削,凿,铲
[例]  He chipped old paint from the walls.
vt. 在……上造成缺口
[例]  He chipped a hole in the ice. 他在冰上凿了个洞。

n.1.  薄片,碎片,碎屑
2.  芯片
3.  (chips)炸土豆条
4.  缺损处
5.  (赌博等的)筹码
6.  (尤指高尔夫球和足球)高球
vt.1.  打破,弄缺,损坏
2.  切下,削下,凿下(碎片、屑片)
3.  (尤指高尔夫球或足球)打(或踢)高球
4.  将(土豆等)切条
vi.1.  被打破,弄缺,被损坏
2.  打(或踢)高球,近穴击球

1. | Be careful with these plates -- they chip very easily. |
| 小心这些盘子-边缘容易破损。
2. | This mug has a chip in it. |
| 这个缸子上有个缺口。
3. | She's got a chip on her shoulder about not having gone to university. |
| 她因为没有进入大学而愤愤不平。
4. | Basil did not care a chip . |
| 巴兹尔一点不在意。
5. | She always has a chip on her shoulder, so nobody wants to be with her. |
| 她总是盛气凌人,所以没有人想跟她在一起。