n.1.  首领,首脑
2.  部落首领
adj.1.  最重要的,首要的,主要的
2.  (通常作 Chief)最高级别的,为首的,首席的
3.  (-in-'chief)最高级别的,为首的
1. | Gardening is one of her chief enjoyments. |
| 园艺工作是她的主要乐趣之一。
2. | The chief was received by the Prime Minister. |
| 该领导人受到了首相的接见。
3. | The deposed chief was restored (to power/to his throne). |
| 废黜的酋长重新掌了权。
4. | He's the chief trouble-maker; the others just follow his lead. |
| 他是首要的捣乱分子,其余的人只是跟着学的。
5. | The chief thing to remember is... |
| 要记住的最重要的事是。