
[意 思]n. 追逐,追击,追求
[例]  The chase is often more exciting than the kill.
n. 被追猎的动物,被追逐的人
[例]  The chase escaped the hunter.
vi. 追逐,追寻,追求
[例]  He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth. 在精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。
vi. 匆忙地走,奔跑
[例]  She chased all over town looking for a dress in her size. 她为寻找尺寸合身的衣服而满城奔跑。
vt. 追逐,追捕,追踪
[例]  The cat chased the mouse. 猫追老鼠。
vt. 赶出,驱逐
[例]  She chased the children from her yard.

n.1.  追赶,追捕,追逐
2.  争取,努力获得
3.  打猎
vt.1.  追赶,追逐,追捕
2.  努力获得,争取得到
3.  追求
4.  催促
5.  镂刻,雕刻
vi.1.  追求,求爱
2.  急奔,急赶,匆忙地走

1. | The criminal was caught after a car chase . |
| 开着汽车追来追去才把罪犯捉住。
2. | After the robbery the police immediately gave chase . |
| 劫案发生后警方立即跟踪追击。
3. | The hoaxer had sent the police on a wild-goose chase . |
| 那个捣蛋的人让警方白白搜索了一番。
4. | The chase escaped the hunter. |
| 那动物逃脱了猎人的追逐。
5. | The chase lasted a day. |
| 追逐持续了一天。