1. | She fought the election under the banner of equal rights. |
| 她打着平等的旗号参加了竞选。
2. | The new government came to power under the banner of change. |
| 新政府在改革的旗帜下上了台.
3. | The boys held up a large blue banner . |
| 孩子们举着一面蓝色的大旗。
4. | They overtured the platform, recaptured their torches, tore the enemy's banner to tatters and drove them from their position. |
| 他们掀翻讲台,夺回火把,把敌人的旗子撕得烯烂,最后将他们逐出阵地。
5. | They planted the red banner on the mountain top. |
| 他们把红旗插上山顶.。