1. | The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race, creed or colour. |
| 法律适用于所有的人,不分种族, 信仰或肤色。
2. | For particulars, apply to the information desk. |
| 详情请向问讯台询问。
3. | This arguments, developed for a padding process, would not necessarily apply to treatments in which a polymer is exhausted onto wool fibers. |
| 这个有关浸轧处理论证,对于聚合物能被羊毛吸进的处理,不定能适用。
4. | The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. |
| 安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。
5. | These word fitly apply to …. |
| 这些词帖切地用于…