
reject 的相关例句:
1. It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal.
2. It was unwise (of you) to reject his offer.
3. I absolutely reject the management's line on this.
4. We may have to make very heavy discount, or even to reject the author's conclusions altogether.
5. The President must reject the proposal, lest it cause strife and violence.
6. reject a gift, a possibility, an opinion, a suggestion
拒绝接受一件礼物, 一种可能性, 一条意见, 一项建议
7. pass, carry, adopt, reject a resolution
通过, 赞同, 采纳, 否决一决议
8. accept, reject , issue, deliver an ultimatum
接受, 拒绝, 发出, 送交最后通牒
9. propose, put forward, reject , etc a motion
提, 提出, 否决
10. reject a bill

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