
cue 的相关例句:
1. When I nod my head, that's your cue to interrupt the meeting.
2. And they all lived happily ever afterwards -- which sounds like the cue for a song.
3. Follow her cue , and one day you'll be a great scholar.
4. He said she would be back very soon and, right on cue , she walked in.
5. I'll cue you in by nodding my head.
6. Taking his cue from Ibsen's A Doll's House, in which the heroine, Nora, leaves home because she resents her husband's treating her like a child, the writer Lu Xun warned that Nora would need money to support herself; she must have economic rights to survive.
易卜生的剧作《玩偶之家》中的女主人公娜拉离家出走, 因为她憎恶她的丈夫像对待孩子一样来对待她。作家鲁迅从中得到启示, 从而告诫人们娜拉得需要钱来养活自己, 她要生存就必须有经济上的权利。
7. a rest for a billiard cue , telescope, telephone receiver
台球杆的搁架, 望远镜的支架, 电话听筒的托架

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