91. | Linen and cotton paper, which the European learned about from the Chinese through the Arabians, replaced parchment and papyrus from the twelfth century on. |
| 从12世纪以来,欧洲通过阿拉伯人,从中国学制造麻纸和绵纸以代替羊皮纸和草片纸。
92. | Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expensed during long distance travels. |
| 此外,中国人民的生活水平还没有高到足以使普通中国人有钱支付长途旅行的各种开支。
93. | Tourism brings China a lot of benefits. First, it enables the Chinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes friendship and understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies for its modernization program. |
| 旅游业给中国带来许多好处。首先,它使中国人了解外界,并有助于促进友谊和理解。其次,在经济上也有利于我国,因为中国现代化建设需要大量的外汇。
94. | In senior high school we have Chinese , Science, English, and so forth. |
| 在上高中时, 我们有语文, 英语, 科学等课程。
95. | He studies Chinese as well. |
| 他也学习汉语。
96. | That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese . |
| 那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。
97. | The Chinese eat with chopsticks. |
| 中国人用筷子吃饭。
98. | Chinese is my native language. |
| 汉语是我的母语。
99. | My native language is Chinese . |
| 我的母语是汉语。
100. | We Chinese students find the use of prepositions especially diffult |
| 我们中国学生感到介词特别难用