
song 的相关例句:
81. a song and dance act
82. (Scot ) (title of a popular song sung esp at the beginning of each new year and expressing feelings of friendship for the sake of) good times long ago
83. a moving rendering of a Brahms song
84. the liquid song of a blackbird
85. exploits famous in legend and song
86. a jolly party, song , time
欢乐的聚会, 歌曲, 时侯
87. a nostalgic song , poem, etc
令人怀念往事的歌曲, 诗等
88. give a poetry reading, a song recital, etc
表演诗朗诵, 举行独唱会
89. a pop singer, song , concert
流行歌曲歌手, 流行歌曲, 流行歌曲音乐会
90. a comic song , performance, etc
滑稽的歌曲, 表演等

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