
quarrel 的相关例句:
81. bring A and B together help (two people or groups) to end a quarrel ; reconcile
82. intervene in a dispute, quarrel , etc
调解纠纷, 争吵等
83. a quarrel which poisoned our friendship
84. drive a wedge between A and B make (friends, colleagues, etc) quarrel or start disliking each other
挑拨(朋友, 同事等)不合或互相厌恶; 造成分裂
85. an open quarrel , scandal, etc
公开的争吵, 丑闻等
86. pick a quarrel with sb
87. quarrel with a statement, an account, an estimate, etc
寻找结算, 帐目, 预算等的漏洞
88. fight, argue, quarrel , etc with sb
与某人打斗, 争论, 吵架等
89. witness an accident, a murder, a quarrel
目击一事故, 谋杀事件, 一场争吵
90. quarrel with one's bread

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